Note to myselfAllah has a plan for you. You are exactly where He want you to be right now. You're stronger than you think, Sofea ♥

To you.

“I pray that Allah inclines your heart towards the person who He has written for you. I pray that you are so drawn to them that you are convinced that this person is it. I pray that no matter how many other people cross paths with you, that the connection with this person is so strong that it outweighs any physical attraction you have ever had with anyone else. I pray that this person makes you better. I pray that you want to be good enough for them. I pray that you want them the right way and will do anything and everything it takes to have them in the way Allah has made permissible. I pray that no matter how far you two stray away from each other, that Allah intercedes and brings the two of you back together if He feels it is best. I pray that you pray for them. I pray that no matter the walls you have to climb over, the hoops of fire they make you jump through, and all the challenges they bring, I pray that you remind yourself that they are worthy of this all. And I pray that you spend the rest of your lives together worshiping, remembering, and thanking Allah for your union.”

P/s: To all the boys I’ve loved before.